Monday, 19 January 2015

Somethings you just need to go through.

We all got ups and downs in everything.
Being always in the peak is not possible.
We would burnt out.
I used to work on building sites, doing different types of usually physical work.
Long hours,many days and even nights in a row.
I would always treat it as a part of my physical and mental workout.
Building up the strength and resistance.
As the years went by my career in construction had its ups and downs too.
As I have been training and fighting in between on some point, not myself but by my coach and friends I would realise.
That superman that I though I am has slowed down and many things begun to change. Things like my attitude to work or resistance in the ring.
I would get injured easier and those injuries wouldn't heal for long time.
But you know what I do not regret non of that.
That made me realise many useful things like;respecting my body,giving it enough rest,sleep and nutrition to recover.
Also it showed me who I am and how much I can take it.
Every time I feel weak I look back at those days and think that I have done more than that. And I look forward to where I wanna be.
I tonight's training, even though I had a good rest yesterday,I begun just tickling over at some point.
Obviously I have done my morning session and worked in between.
Then we started of sprints and moved to technical sparring.
My coaches were busy guiding some boys in the ring while I was doing some routine workouts. So there was no one really pushing.
That's when I realised, that this routine should take some more work out of me.
That I am not coming here for bit of fitness,I am not coming just to punch these bags for few rounds and go.
If it doesn't come to you, no one else can give it to you.

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