Saturday, 31 January 2015

"I wish"

"I wish I was little bit taller
I wish I was a baller
I wish I had a girl who looked good
I would call her
I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat
And a six four Impala..."
This is a chorus of a song, sang by artist called Skee-Lo.
We all got many wishes and would love to achieve and complete many various tasks. Some of our wishes, like the height in Skee-Lo's song cannot be really changed. But most of our wanna be and wanna do wishes can be done.
All it takes is a bit of strong will power,dedication and perseverance.
I get many new ideas every day.
I also get many old ideas coming back to me. So many of them make me think that if I have continued since I have first thought off them I would be so much better of.
Of course we can only do so much in a day and we are just humans which also need to re charge our batteries.
I personally think that it all comes to ability of setting up the priorities and planning ahead.
My aim is to become a top fighter,martial artist,coach and instructor.
All that, I do strongly believe is going to build up my private,family life too.
Sliding in some new training routine into my schedule; like more and different types of stretching,techniques, speed , stamina and resistance work. Is one thing. Also it need a bit of understanding of my own body and respecting it.
Apart of physical side of my future plans there is also mental annd spiritual aspect, which I strongly believe is the most important. As my coach often says "That invisible work is what really matters and  is going to make you better".
That's why I do practice meditation and work on my listening,observing and understannding skills.

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Punches in bunches

Last couple of days I have had a lot of sparring. Boxing,Thai boxing,quite intense sessions. In both occasions my main subject was to fallow up and build up my combinations with as many strikes as possible. As they say "punches in bunches".
Since I've came back from Thailand I have been concentrating on dominating the opponents and worked on counterattack. Now using what I have practised I wanna add some more variations, like changing the angles and moving in and out.
All that will not work if I'll have no continuation.
It doesn't matter how much you can block and how much you can take if you don't make your rival pay for it. I've been practising my Little game for a while which was called "double up". Basically every punch or kick thrown by the other person I have been trying to double or triple up.
It is good way of training.
But if I always counterattack with series of two or three kicks and punches,I will become predictable. Clever opponents will read it and make use of it.
Of course you need to have good fitness level to keep on throwing countless combinations. But if you wanna stay on top of the game this is the way to be.
Be hungry!
Give it all!
Don't save for tomorrow,there is no tomorrow!

photoKrystian Ozog
Instructor/Trainer/FighterGMMA Academy

Monday, 26 January 2015

Talent show inspiration

Weekend evenings, when I manage to get some spare time, I do really like to watch TV talent shows.
Shows like "Britain got talent", the "X factor" or the "Voice". I like it for few different reasons. I do like a bit of good music. but the main reason would be; all of those life changing stories. It really talks to me when I see those average looking people,coming up on the stage and making those amazing sounds and other unbelievable skills. They all got they own stories to tell. More than anything else these stories are the main factor making me want to watch it. Otherways I could simply listen to the radio or watch the YouTube. I would compare it to reading some biographies and seeing that don't matter how much talent you got and how good you are. What really matters is how much you are willing to sacrifice and how hard will you work.
I do really enjoy seeing all these ordinary looking people,with some ordinary lives and jobs,coming out from nowhere and doing something extraordinary.
All that gives me inspiration, it help the fire inside me keep on burning.
We all get bad days, we all get ups and downs. We all get tired and make mistakes.
We all sometimes step of the right path.
It is important to have some form of passion, hobby,something creative to ourselves.
What is going to keep us focused,help us believe in ourselves and make us improve.
I have choose martial arts and fighting game :-)

photoKrystian Ozog
Instructor/Trainer/FighterGMMA Academy

Monday, 19 January 2015

Somethings you just need to go through.

We all got ups and downs in everything.
Being always in the peak is not possible.
We would burnt out.
I used to work on building sites, doing different types of usually physical work.
Long hours,many days and even nights in a row.
I would always treat it as a part of my physical and mental workout.
Building up the strength and resistance.
As the years went by my career in construction had its ups and downs too.
As I have been training and fighting in between on some point, not myself but by my coach and friends I would realise.
That superman that I though I am has slowed down and many things begun to change. Things like my attitude to work or resistance in the ring.
I would get injured easier and those injuries wouldn't heal for long time.
But you know what I do not regret non of that.
That made me realise many useful things like;respecting my body,giving it enough rest,sleep and nutrition to recover.
Also it showed me who I am and how much I can take it.
Every time I feel weak I look back at those days and think that I have done more than that. And I look forward to where I wanna be.
I tonight's training, even though I had a good rest yesterday,I begun just tickling over at some point.
Obviously I have done my morning session and worked in between.
Then we started of sprints and moved to technical sparring.
My coaches were busy guiding some boys in the ring while I was doing some routine workouts. So there was no one really pushing.
That's when I realised, that this routine should take some more work out of me.
That I am not coming here for bit of fitness,I am not coming just to punch these bags for few rounds and go.
If it doesn't come to you, no one else can give it to you.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Tomorrow never comes.

The older we get, the more we appreciate every minute of our lives.
It comes with experience.
Especially at the occasions like the end of another year, Christmas,holidays or some other events that we were waiting for a long time.
I am sure that the more experience you get the more you realise that there is no time to waste.
It applies to all aspects of our lives.
Family, friends, work,hobbies,diet and our training too.
It can be hard to fit in everything you wanna do in 24 hours of our days.
One thing I have learnt and constantly trying to improve is that; if there is something I decided that I'll do.
I am going to do it at the nearest possible time I can. It comes to my work, my training as well as every days life duties. 
I try not to leave it for next day, I try not to leave it for next training.
If I am in the gym, running on the road, hitting those pads or bag, practising those moves right here, right now.
What's the point of doing it half hearted?!
What's the point of leaving it for tomorrow? Tomorrow you will find another excuse or explanation, tomorrow something might come up and you might not be able to come over to the gym.
"There is no tomorrow "!
As everyone else I do feel exhausted and I got my ups and downs.
But trust me there is no better feeling and no better recipe to lift yourself up, than push it harder. As I have mentioned in one of my previous post, stick to the plans you made when you were fresh and rested. Follow your plan,follow your dreams.
You got two options: leave it for later,with big pail of other "I'll do it later tasks",which will never reduce unless you change your attitude.
Or use your nearest possible opportunity and move on with some other tasks which have been waiting there for you.
You wanna improve your stamina; do some cardiovascular workout.
You wanna improve your power; do some strength workout.
You wanna improve your flexibility; do more stretching.
You wanna be better at kicking and punching techniques; simply practise more of kick and punch.

photoKrystian Ozog
Instructor/Trainer/FighterGMMA Academy

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Keeping the weight.

I have said that before and I am going to reapeat it again;
fighting game is much more than just a "kick and punch"!
It helps and opens the door to many other spheres in our lives.
Recently, after our training camp in Thailand, I have been determined to drop the weight.
I have met many good fighters out there,all of them skilled and motivated guys. All of them looking for the best way to take advantage of their abilities to move right to the top.
I have never had much problem (theoretically )with fighting heavier or taller opponents.
I haven't had that problem when I fought in Patong at the end of the camp either.
But weight categories are created for some reasons.
Main reason will be to give equal chances to both fighters.
So far I've been usually  fighting around 75kg.
Apart of very beginning, when I  started off at 84kg. ( In my early twentieth I've been doing bit of bodybuilding :-)
As my height is only 175cm, I  have been fighting most of the time taller guys.
I do generally eat healthy and watch my diet. I feel quite  strong at this weight.
However  many experience fighters and some of my coaches suggested that I should reduce to around 70kg,to give myself more chance of fighting someone with similar height and reach.
Again, I do believe that as a fighter I should be ready for whatever comes. I should adjust my game plan accordingly to my opponents weaknesses and use my strengths. But why not be cleaver and minimise the difference? !
At this same time I feel like reducing  my weight would improve my discipline,mental strength and self confidence.
When I say reduce I mean drop down and remain there instead of going up and down when the fights comes.
With our busy schedule for next few months that would be the healthiest and less stressful way.
Sometimes the more I think about reducing, the more appetite I get.
I am eating clean food and having my meals regularly most of the time.
I do prepare my own food in advance.
But in between I am always craving for some snacks. I do pick the healthy options like: peanuts, fruits or bites of chicken etc. My favourite desert would be oats crackers with peanut butter and banana or apple slices with cup of coffee. I feel like,by explaining to myself that these are all healthy options I do consume them to often and to big amounts.
So next few weeks I am going to concentrate more on my diet,times and portions of my meals mainly.
I'll let you know how I am getting on.
photoKrystian Ozog
Instructor/Trainer/FighterGMMA Academy

Friday, 2 January 2015

New years resolutions.

If you have declared some changes to your everydays life along with beginning of new 2015 year.
I would truly like to wish you all the strength and energy to keep up with your resolutions. I hope everything works just like you want or even better.
New year can possibly be good starting point for some positive changes and adjustments to our lives.
Giving ourselves some time frames, or setting up breaking points can help us achieving our goals and make some improvements.
It can help to prepare ourselves for bigger or smaller revolutions.
There is so many things I would like to do, improve, increase.
As my schedule is already pretty busy it isn't easy to fit in some extra activities in a regular basis.
What I have learnt in my short life is that I shouldn't wait for new year,next month,week or tomorrow.
I should try to do what I believe is right for me straight away.
Tomorrow we are going to be busy with something else and our priorities and unexpected things might send our ambitions at the back of the queue.
Anyway, whatever we are going to change; get rid of some habits, improve our training, diet etc.
Magic comes with persistence.
Doesn't matter when you make changes as long as you remain strong and keep up with your resolutions.
Happy New year everyone.
All the best with your resolutions :-)