Recently I've been watching some interesting channels on the YouTube about psychology, emotions, nutrition, self improvement.
All of them had something in common.
They were describing destructive power of the stress.
We do stress everyday and a lot of us do it excessively.
Bit of stress can sometimes help us think and react sharper.
Make some sudden decisions which normally we would take us ages.
We can't forget that like any other animals on the planet earth we got developed survival instinct. At the event of danger adrenaline kicks in, all our muscles and brain works extremely intense to take us to position of safety.
Our problem as a human is that we overuse this ability and stress over small things. As well as we stress long before (thinking what if) and long after (again, thinking what if and why).
I've heard one very clever comparison watching one of the interviews. Gentlemen was saying that we should look at the gazelle, chased by the lion she runs for her life. When she feels safe after around 10, 15 minutes she is back in the field eating grass and enjoying sunshine.
When we as humans will think about for the rest of the day.
I do really believe that we are over thinking things and create a lot of problems ourselves.
Our brains are activating our nerve system to protect our selves.
Over stressing causes a lot of damage and create diseases on our brains and body.
As a fighter I have experienced destructive power of stress on myself.
Even after quite few years of experience in the ring I still go through different emotions when it comes to the fight.
In general I can tell that I have improved.
At the early stages of my career I have been making different scenarios in my head weeks before the fight. Then it decreased to days. Now I usually become nervous in the changing room.
My recent experience has given me another lesson and example of how stress can affect your performance.
I was in the competition where I had to face one of my old colleague and training partner. I suppose it was a bit emotional experience for both of us.
Only when I turned off the thinking I begun to put things together and started feeling comfortable. Begun to do what I was train to.
I still have to remind myself every now and then that this is something I love, this is something that makes me improve.
Whatever the outcome it helps me and I can help others with my experience.
So why should I stress over that.
I believe that as long as I train and work hard. Being honest to myself and others.
I shouldn't stress at all.
Should you my energy on getting better.
Obviously I do try to bring all that knowledge and experience to my everydays life too.
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