Sunday, 4 October 2015

Do your best everyday / every round

Three, Five, ten or twelve...
It doesn't really matter how many rounds is your next fight if you are not going to put all your work right from the beginning  it is going to be extremely hard to change the verdict even if you pick your work rate up in the later stages. Basically you are counting on luck.
By taking your time and holding back you are giving room to your opponent which I presume is hungry of winning  and will take every opportunity to convince the judges that he deserves that win more than you.
He will take every opportunity to weaken you up and finish the fight before time.
Some of the fighters staying in the safe distance at the beginning of the fight to save their energy for later rounds. But as I believe we have cleared this in one or two of my previous posts, there might not be later rounds, if you give your opponent room and he will use it correctly.
He might basically stop you before you even start executing your plan.
He might stop you before you put in work something that you have been preparing for by spending your precious time and energy.
All hard work in the gym as on the road ( running etc. ), all your dedications and sacrifices might simply be vanished ( or better said: remain in progressive  ) by you holding back.
I have always believed: that it is much better to loose while doing all your best than while not doing anything.
It is more honorable for a warrior to die in a clean battle than being killed while a sleep.
If you are going to loose in a process of doing your best, you learn the lesson and come back better, stronger, wiser.
Other ways you just delay your success and slow down your own progress.
I would say you are sabotaging yourself.
I've been watching some boxing fights today at amateur boxing championships of London . And I have seen many good and skilled fighters.
A lot of boys with great heart and strong mentality.
And above all skills, those factors have been mainly deciding about the outcome.
As the level of competition was very equal, skills were very similar.
What was really taking over was the drive of the boxer, was the hunger of the success.
Just like in the life.
We are all making our own decisions.
Waking up another morning it is us making decisions how we are going to spend the day.
It is our decision if we are going to use all the experience and opportunities we've got, to lift our hands up in the victory at the end of the day.
Or we are going to postpone our progress, our success.
Value yourself, value your work, value your life and life of your close ones.
Give your best everyday, every round.

Krystian Ozog
Fighter/Instructor, GMMA Academy

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