Gukwoone, thaiboxing, boxing, taekwondo, whatever I wouldn't do last couple of weeks I do it with that extra push of the speed work in preparation for Saturdays fight.
Luckily both taekwondo and boxing teams are in preparation for the fights so I can use it for my own needs.
This morning I've meet Sir for some extra training.
Luckily both taekwondo and boxing teams are in preparation for the fights so I can use it for my own needs.
This morning I've meet Sir for some extra training.
I have started of long jog then did some sprints, long stretching and shadowboxing while waiting for Sir to turn up.
As I was already wormed up when Sir has came, he has moved to pad work straight away.
Did some adjustments, thought me few useful techniques and gave some tips.
I feel honoured and privileged to be coached by Sir.
His knowledge,experience,devotion and passion put him in my eyes as an authority.
It is important that fighter should have that believe in his coach and fallow his instructions without doubt and fear.
So I have took on board everything Sir has said and moved on with my schedule.
Met my wife for lunch,picked up more GuruMuayThai Tshirts on the way back to East London.
Did bit of work around the house,walked my dog and left for boxing session.
Which was once again full of speed work.
It was a great sunny day full of hard training.
I fell like once again i have earn my sleep.
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