Sometimes, specially at young age we think that we are indestructible.
Sometimes we are just toughening up ourselves by constantly pushing over the limit.
There is nothing wrong with pushing that little bit extra and and trying harder to get stronger, better and closer to our goal. But all that should be done with great respect to our body and brain.
There is nothing wrong with pushing that little bit extra and and trying harder to get stronger, better and closer to our goal. But all that should be done with great respect to our body and brain.
You wanna be like the Gladiator you have to work like him, work hard when is time for it and rest well to recover.
Look at some of the deadliest and most crafty creatures on the earth, born fighters. Lions, tigers, wolves, crocodiles, snakes, sharks, hawks.
Doesn't matter if they are on the land, in the water or even in the sky.
They all understand one thing: lack of rest my cost them loose of the opportunity or even loose of life.
It might sound quite dramatically but I believe it is pretty good explanation how you should see yourself as another creature on this earth.
I have always been a hard headed person, specially when it comes to work and training I would always challenge myself and give that extra push.
I have met people working and training even harder, (training hard doesn't mean doing more than person next to you, it means crossing the boundaries of your own abilities, executing till collapse then rise and do it again).
In fighting game and many others that's the way of getting better and stepping up another level. One thing you cannot forget is got to give yourself reward after hard work. Nice rest, hot bath,good healthy, nutritious meal and good night of sleep,that's some of my favourite treats.
Otherwise your body is going to refuse cooperation, your brain is going to switch off.
You will be lacking of concentration, motivation, speed, power and generally energy.
There is some things that u cannot cheat in this world,not for long term.
You cannot cheat the nature.
Look at some of the deadliest and most crafty creatures on the earth, born fighters. Lions, tigers, wolves, crocodiles, snakes, sharks, hawks.
Doesn't matter if they are on the land, in the water or even in the sky.
They all understand one thing: lack of rest my cost them loose of the opportunity or even loose of life.
It might sound quite dramatically but I believe it is pretty good explanation how you should see yourself as another creature on this earth.
I have always been a hard headed person, specially when it comes to work and training I would always challenge myself and give that extra push.
I have met people working and training even harder, (training hard doesn't mean doing more than person next to you, it means crossing the boundaries of your own abilities, executing till collapse then rise and do it again).
In fighting game and many others that's the way of getting better and stepping up another level. One thing you cannot forget is got to give yourself reward after hard work. Nice rest, hot bath,good healthy, nutritious meal and good night of sleep,that's some of my favourite treats.
Otherwise your body is going to refuse cooperation, your brain is going to switch off.
You will be lacking of concentration, motivation, speed, power and generally energy.
There is some things that u cannot cheat in this world,not for long term.
You cannot cheat the nature.