Thursday, 27 November 2014

Do it right!

Last few weeks I had very busy schedule;training, work,some other duties.
Couple of fights this month that I was preparing for got cancelled last minute.
And simply my training routine gets busier and more intense as I progress.
But then again I am  just a human being.
I got my weaknesses , my body also gets tired, my brain also trying to look  for the short  cuts.
Wednesday evening my body feel  fatigued after all the training and work I did recently. Especially  my legs.
I have started the evening session  of a quick  stretching to help the blood flow through my veins easier.
Then our coach sent us for run.
As we were running  I have started  feeling better,more energetic.
When  we got back we were told to put all the protection on and get ready for technical sparring.
As we had few handicaps given by our coach,we couldn't just move around  freely.
That made it  more interesting and I could see  that everyone  focus was really high.
Once we finished sparring,next step was bringing  what we have practised to few more rounds of bag work,shadow boxing and skipping.
The final step was groundwork (high intensity  body weight  workout ) to condition our brains and muscles.
During that session I had my ups and downs.
But every time when my brain was trying to  slack I was reminding myself that doing it anyhow is not going to make me better.
All it is going to do it will make me just tickling over.
Is it really what I want from myself?
That would be just a waste of time  which I am  already spending practising.
If I am doing it already I might as well do it right!
I know that I  will  see the benefits of that when I feel strong and relaxed.
Also that's the only way to achieve that full feeling after the session.

photo Krystian Ozog
Instructor/Trainer/Fighter, GMMA Academy

Sunday, 23 November 2014

You don't run, you don't fight.

You don't run,you don't fight.
I've heard this saying while ago in the gym and personally I have took it deep into my heart.
The further you get with your fighting experience the more it takes.
Every little ability can make huge difference on that final decision on the referees score cards.
I believe that the real fight begins after third bell,when you both tested each other,you possibly know your strengths and weaknesses.
Now it shows who has got more strength and who has worked harder in preparation for it.
Who has done that extra push at the end of the series,who has kicked the pads with better effort,who has punched the bag without giving up right on the sped and power right to the end of the round.
It shows who has honestly woke up bit early in every morning to do some running while everyone else turning on the other side in their beds.
Of course, running everyday is not enough.
It is all about how you run?!
I have been running a lot since I was sixteen.At the age of eighteen I have completed my first marathon.
Jogging long distance was never my problem.I would put some weights on my ankles and wrists to make it harder.But the real challenge has begun when i started working on speed by doing some fast continues runs,intervals,sprints.
Today on Sunday 23rd of November me and few other GMMA Academy members we took a part in 10k charity run at South London (Wimbledon area).
We have raised some money for children in need and donated it to "Good life foundation".
At this same time we have tested ourselves against some good runners.
I do totally agree with Great British boxer Carl Froch,who said that; fighters are semi-professional runners.
It is another way to stronger your legs muscles and bones,as well as toughen up your will power and not giving up attitude.
photo Krystian Ozog
Instructor/Trainer/Fighter, GMMA Academy

Monday, 17 November 2014

Yoga for fighters.

For a long time I've been planning to try some yoga classes.
Recently I've been looking for some new ways of improving my flexibility and some new stretching techniques. 
As one of my PT student couldn't make it today,I have started planning my own afternoon training.
Checking the schedule of the classes in one of the gyms I train at.
I have found position called Budokon yoga.

Description of the classes says:
"Budokon combines yoga, martial arts, meditation and animal movements".
I thought:"this is perfect"!
Always wanted to try yoga.
I have made my research about different types of yoga and thought that this is one of most interesting and accurate type in terms of what I am looking for. 
Also reading description reminded me video of animal movements presentation, made by one of American fitness network that I have watched and got impressed by,while ago.
It looked very crafty and acrobatic.
I always thought it would be great to be able perform like that.
Class was mixed, man and women.
There was relaxing music plying quietly in the background.
Instructor, would tell the instructions with very calm voice.
Most of the practitioners would already know some of the moves and would flow along.
I did my best to follow, relax and stretch as much as I could.
All the poses were changed in slow pace so it was quite easy to adjust.
I found Budokon yoga great way to improve not only flexibility but also balance, coordination, concentration and flow of the movement.
Class has finished with short lie down on the matt and traditional Indian greeting; "Namaste" in lotus position.
After all I have took 20 minutes of sauna relaxing and thinking about Budokon experience.
It was great class and I have made good choice by going there.
I am sure I am going to come back.

photo Krystian Ozog
Instructor/Trainer/Fighter, GMMA Academy

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Footwork training.

I see a lot of ambitious, hard working people in the gyms,which are not satisfied with their workouts unless they've lost at least 3kg over the session and they barely can move their limbs at the end.
Honestly,I am probably one of them myself.
But being a good fighter takes much more than just being able to work hard and sweat in the gym.
We need to give our training some more sense and work on other aspects rather than only,power,speed and resistance.

Head movement,reaction,body slips,blocking,moving up and down,footwork.
These are essentials that should be a part of each fighters training.
Especially when you feel fatigue or your body gives you signs that it needs some rest from speed,power and resistance training.
Instead of beating yourself over not doing enough,use that time to work on one of most important part of fighting skills-footwork.
Your strong and fast punches,powerful kicks and great combinations will mean nothing if you do not adjust your distance and timing. Good footwork;moving in and out,changing the angles,right twists,up and down movements on your legs will give all hard work right meaning.Cutting the way of your opponents escape or making him miss can change so much in the fight.
I believe every martial arts instructor will agree that correct stands and footwork is a foundation of all other skills.
While ago I have heard an older lady,(working in the cafe)inviting young man for his order collection by saying: "move your legs,your body will follow" :-).
It made my day.I have never heard that before but it comes back to me every now and then.

photo Krystian Ozog
Instructor/Trainer/Fighter, GMMA Academy

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Sports and psychology Academy

Working with people, educating and helping them to develop their skills, is a great job.
As in any other profession it needs good, clean intentions, passion and experience.
I believe you can only become a master of something if you really believe in it, enjoy it and if it brings improvement to your own life.
As one of my mentors said to me few years back;"you got to help yourself,to be able help others".
I have always looked at sports as a great improvement tool in my life but sharing my knowledge with people, takes it up to another level.
It brings two of my main passions together. 
Sports,martial arts and fighting craft along with great studies of psychology.
There is many more aspects that goes with it.
But being GMMA Academy instructor,fighter and student is just like studying at PE and Psychology academy,two in one.
It keeps me focused all the time. Seeing hard work of others, makes me wanna improve more, to be able to,bring our students and colleagues skills to the maximum.
But telling everyone to do this same kind of exercises or having this same diet is not gonna work.
My job is to listen to our students,observe their improvement and find the way to gradually bring the best out of them.
After each training it takes me while to summarise and over think whole lesson.
It always bring some questions and ideas.
Which I try to back up by studies,research and discussion with others experience people which are surrounding me. Mainly my Coaches.

photo Krystian Ozog
Instructor/Trainer/Fighter, GMMA Academy

Monday, 3 November 2014

Your success is your owm choice.

Whatever you do in your life you got always two choices.
You can find yourself excuses or find the right way and push on through.
Off course we are all just a human and we like a bit off comfort in our lives.
But I strongly believe that real comfort and peace of mind can only come to you when you know that you worked hard and now is time to have that rest and enjoy yourself.
As a fighter I know that there is no worst feeling than on the day of fight having that doubt in your head if you have done enough.Maybe I could have push it a bit more in the preparation.
So it is your own choice if you wanna be confident with yourself or always find some reason why not to do this extra work.
I have learnt to catch every opportunity and I am trying to react straight away in every aspect of my life.
I believe this is the best way.
I have learnt to say yes to every possible training or experience that I believe could benefit to me.
I am usually planning my training for a week on the day I got rest and I feel strong.
That's when very bright ideas comes to my head.
When I am tired in a process I do push myself and there is no backing off option.
The only thing that can change is to add up more.