Sunday, 29 June 2014

Meditation on the go.

Time -we all wish we could have a bit more of it to use.
But if we were able to get an extra hour or two in a day by some magic power.
Wouldn't we still wish for more?
I do know that sometimes even if you are "Napoleon" when it comes to planning your day it is still hard to fit in, everything you wanna do.
And it is even harder to sit down in a peace, clear your mind and meditate.
From my own experience I've learnt that sometimes is not even about clearing your mind as much as about finding 20 minutes  in quite,comfortable place where you could let your self forget about everything.Here we need to ask the question;what are  the principles of meditation.
For me it would be turning of your ego, your inner voice and leaving in this moment.
Concentrating on what's happening right here right now don't think about the past, don't think about the future.
Traditional sitting down method gives the brake not only to your brain but also to your body.
So it would be best if you could do it in sitting down position on the train, bus, anywhere you are able to sit and stay still for a bit.( don't try it when you drive :-).
 Another very practical and not easier at all method is,walking meditation.
Well you could ask,how do you walk around and turn of your thoughts?
The way I see it based on my research,my own experience and experience of some people that I spoke to about it.
It is about seeing yourself and all surrounding in the present time as plain as possible.
Without judging,not allowing anything to distract your peace off mind.
Without planning the future,not thinking about the past.
As a GMMA Academy fighter I truly believe these kind of skills can really help you control the fight or at least control yourself during the fight.
Krystian Ozog
GMMA instructor, trainer & fighter
-Guru MuayThai  Boxing classes
-Gukwoone Mixed Martial Arts classes
-GMMA Personal Trainer
Tel: 07928093841

Saturday, 21 June 2014


Why do we practise weapons?
GMMA academy uses four types of weapons.
At the Gukwoone training we are working with: double sticks, nunchak, tonquas and sai.

In GuruMuayThai training we are using double sticks  instead of swords as in the ancient MuayThai style called Krabi Krabong.
There is many ways that training with weapons can help you develop. 
It will definitely improve your imagination, vision(in terms of seeing the movements clearer), reaction, coordination and body movement.
Using weapons you will master your distance judgement, in and out movement, changing the angles and extending your reach when striking with correct twist.
As my coach "SIR" says "you got to become friends with weapons", that's how you understand the way it works, you minimise the fear and look for the way out.
In the moment of danger you learn how to fight against the weapon or use it to protect yourself. 
If you look at it closely you will realise that principles of using any cold weapon are very similar to those when you strike with your fists,elbows,knees or legs.
Don't forget that as a martial artist you are training to use your eight limbs as a weapon.
Krystian Ozog
GMMA instructor, trainer & fighter
-Guru MuayThai  Boxing classes
-Gukwoone Mixed Martial Arts classes
-GMMA Personal Trainer
Tel: 07928093841

Tuesday, 17 June 2014


I believe that persistence is the key word to achieve any of our goals,
don't matter what profession,scale or nature they are. 
If you are student,teacher,builder,businessman,scientist,artist or athlete.
Whatever you do,if you believe in the end results,you got to make a plan (your plan can always adjust while you get more experience and some of the circumstances changes) and execute it patiently till you reach where you wanted to.
I am always trying to improve in sports,professional and privatl life.
I feel like if I am not improving I am staying still or even making steps back.
Thats why GMMA Academy principals covers up  with my own smoothly and it is so easy for me to pass it over and help others to improve they own.
Hard work, dedication, self discipline,persistence thats the only way to SUCCESS.
GuruMuayThai and Gukwoone students  cannot complain about lack of those values.
In many cases we are getting excited over some plans but when it gets harder we backing off making thousands excuse.
There's no other way there's no shot cuts.
What comes easy,goes easy too.
Only something builded with solid foundations can survive the hard times. 
Wherever you going to remember why you moved that way at the first point!

Krystian Ozog
GMMA instructor, trainer & fighter
-Guru MuayThai  Boxing classes
-Gukwoone Mixed Martial Arts classes
-GMMA Personal Trainer
Tel: 07928093841

Wednesday, 11 June 2014


When i first started my adventure with kickboxing I've heard saying from one of my colleagues that "belt is design to hold the trousers".
Basically what it was meant to say that it doesn't really matter what belt someone wear he can still get bitten.
After all those years of practise going through different stages,different experiences,different levels and meeting up as well as practising different styles.
I do completely disagree.
Of course everyone can be beaten,everyone can be defeated.
Every martial art and combat sport has its own strategy,philosophy and usage.
Saying I would like to create in this case sounds "Show me your belt I'll be able to tell you who you are".
Lets not talk about others,concentrate on what i know the best.
In GMMA Academy you really have to earn you position.
Doesn't mater if you training Gukwoone,thaiboxing with GuruMuayThai or mighty both.
Higher you go the higher standards you hit.
It need a lot of self discipline,many hours of practise believe in yourself and basically hard work to reach up to the top.
To get to higher level is not enough to be fit and flexible.
You need to train your body and brain at this same time.
You need to show your confidence and humbleness and respect at this same time.
Everybody can swing his arms and legs,but doing it right way with right attitude takes a lot of work.
And something you worked hard for like this is going to stay with you forever.

Friday, 6 June 2014

What's my reward?

How do I measure my success?
How do I see my progress?
What's the biggest reward for me as a GMMA fighter, instructor and student?
As a fighter:
Some people say "you are as good as your last performance"(fight, match, race, etc...).
I see It differently.
You are a good fighter as long as you learn and and you are able to progress.
(Thomas Edison has failed numbers of times before he created an actual bulb.)
As long as my coaches and my training partners believe in me and tell me that I am doing well I am happy and feel rewarded as a fighter.
As a instructor:
The biggest payment comes with positive feedback from my students.
When they come back for next training, when they bring along friends and family.
When they say that they feel inspired. When they claim that our training helps them  at school, at work, in everyday situations.
Keeps them focused, more confident, more energised.
When grownups say that they enjoyed training and they can't wait for the next one.
When kids rush in to the class full of excitement and they parents telling me that all they've been talking about is training.
As a student:
Similar to the fighter role, my biggest reward is recognition by my coaches and my GuruMuayThai and Gukwoone colleagues.
In both cases as a fighter and student I can see progress by myself .I can only achieve full feeling when I know that I've done all my best, that I've put everything I've got in the training and performance.
All that has to be achieved with some kind of balance between private and professional life.
The biggest reward to me is when I am able to help others while I am progressing myself.
That's what makes me happy and gives me drive to continue and get better and better at what i am doing.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014


I do believe that stretching is one of the key points of every physical training we do.
Don't matter what kind of sports you practise.
Stretching before training is going to help you worm up your body and make your blood flow more freely.
Stretching after will prevent the crumbs,joints injures and tightness of your muscles.
In general stretching it self increases flexibility,what in case of martial arts,combat sports and many others is going to help you with your speed,endurance and balance.
It improves your circular what means you will get more oxygen and nutrition delivered to your muscles much quicker. It reduces the stress and relaxing your muscles.
Doesn't matter what training i do Boxing,Thai boxing,Gukwoone,Taekwondo.
Do i go for the sprints or working on my power.
Stretching is always big part of my training.
If I miss it i can feel it after.
So remember do take your time and stretch,especially at the end of your training.