Sunday, 27 July 2014

Weight Management.

As a GMMA Academy fighter,great part of my training is keeping right diet.
When I say right diet I mean; eating clean, natural food in good balance.
 Fuel I do intake supposed to give me good slow reliving energy (I am trying to avoid bursts of energy created by carbohydrates,caffeine, etc),it supposed to be keep me going through my everyday training,work,everyday activities as much as it should help my body and brain in recovery.
All that got to be done while keeping my weight on certain level.
Some of our Gukwoone and GuruMuayThai students find diet as a most difficult part of preparation for the fights.
What I deeply believe in is that it will never become any easier as long as you act as if it was punishment.
As I have mentioned in "This is my lifestyle" blog,sometimes I am being asked why do I punish myself not eating or drinking some of the products.
I don't see it as a punishment.I do not struggle.
It is my own choice,which had to be made in order to achieve my goals.
It is my choice to live healthy and energetic life.
I still learn about my body and nutrition in general.
It is very interesting and educating process that gives me another skills.

Krystian Ozog
GMMA instructor, trainer & fighter
-Guru MuayThai  Boxing classes
-Gukwoone Mixed Martial Arts classes
-GMMA Personal Trainer
Tel: 07928093841

Thursday, 24 July 2014

It doesn't get any easier.

One of our very ambitious GMMA Academy students often repeats after the training
"It doesn't get any easier".(Always says that with big smile on his face).
He trains with us at GuruMuayThai  classes,he has got previous experience in traditional kickboxing and is strong, hard working individual.

The way  i see it from my own experience and observing others Gukwoone, GuruMuayThai athletes.
The appetite grows as you eat.
More you train,more experience and ability you get,more you want.
Philosophy of  training is to improve, to get better and better.
It can only get easier when you compere where you were year before after some time of regular and honest training.
Surely whatever you were able to do at the beginning  has been improved and gives you much less problems as it was originally.
Reason why you still feel exhaustion and fatigue after good session is most likely that you constantly giving yourself new challenges and trying harder at the faster pace.
Isn't that how it supposed to be?!
There is always something to improve or learn.
So enjoy yourself and have some faith in yourself.

Krystian Ozog
GMMA instructor, trainer & fighter
-Guru MuayThai  Boxing classes
-Gukwoone Mixed Martial Arts classes
-GMMA Personal Trainer
Tel: 07928093841

Friday, 18 July 2014

Stay positive

As I have mentioned before, my martial arts experience is something that helps me many different ways.
As a fighter I work on conditioning of my body and brain. Practise how to stay focused under the pressure and how to learn from defeat.
As a instructor I do learn how to work with people and always looking for best way to help develop each one of them.
That is great university of fitness, psychology, nutrition and many others related subjects.
As a Gukwoone and GuruMuayThai student I do practise and develop my skills constantly as there is so much to learn.
Whatever I do; fight, coach or learn I try to do it best I can.
I try to stay positive.
I want all GMMA students and people surrounding me to be positive too.
Life is short,as long as you put right effort in whatever you wanna achieve,there is no need to stress.
All difficulties are learning process. Frustration after defeat, anger of not being able to perform the way you would like to or any other negative feelings are always going to trouble our heads.
One thing you have to remember is what brought you this way and what was your aim aim at the first place.
Whatever you do, give yourself time.
Work hard, believe in yourself and stay positive.

Monday, 14 July 2014

Do what you believe in!

I believe that everyone of us asking himself that question when setting up new ambitious goal.
Do I have what it takes?
In my case question was.
Can I become world champion in kickboxing?
Can I really coach others?
Can I do it all, help some people and care for my own family at this same time?
This kind of questions are always going to come to our heads simply because we are thinking creatures.
Answer is one.
If you believe in the end result, take action, don't over think it. As long as you stay focused, disciplined, fallow up your plan and consult it with some mentors or like minded people.
You can't go wrong.
Your passion and will power going to take over all obstacles that get on your way.
Surround yourself with positive people that give you support and believe in you.
That's what I find in GMMA Academy!

Krystian Ozog
GMMA instructor, trainer & fighter
-Guru MuayThai  Boxing classes
-Gukwoone Mixed Martial Arts classes
-GMMA Personal Trainer
Tel: 07928093841

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Sharing energy

It was an amazing and very productive weekend for GMMA Academy!
We all learnt another lesson and earned more experience.
Performing and sharing our values at great event at one of  West London academy's visited by over hundred thousand people.
Gukwoone and GuruMuayThai Students,all together created fantastic show with some great atmosphere.
Our youngest students couldn't hide their excitement as well as bit of nervous before the show.
My job was to make sure everyone have a great day and show exactly what they know the best.
Our demo was drilled and ready to go.
Under pressure many of us loose the confidence,composure and simple things begin to look difficult.
That's why it is so important to share your experience and give your support to others.
Kids can achieve amazing things with right guidance and support.
They have to believe in you as a instructor as they have to believe in themselves.
That makes them stop thinking and let themselves go to achieve what they want.
Kids having incredible energy while they having fun.
Seeing they smiling faces and their excitement,gives me massive kick and makes me feel that we are doing something really important.
I wanna do it more and better.
Krystian Ozog
GMMA instructor, trainer & fighter
-Guru MuayThai  Boxing classes
-Gukwoone Mixed Martial Arts classes
-GMMA Personal Trainer
Tel: 07928093841

Friday, 11 July 2014

Mental Strenght

Mental strength is one of main aspects that we are working on at GMMA Academy.
It is something that I have to constantly work on myself. Waking up early in the morning and going for long jog,running fifty times hundred metres sprints one after the other,thousand kicks in a row on the heavy bag and many other drills and exercises. I do work my speed and technique while doing all my training but what i really work on is my mental strength.
Whenever I get comfortable with some activity or some obstacles,I make some changes or do some extras to stimulate my brain.
As I have mentioned in one of my previous posts,I do strongly believe that your brain is your main weapon.
Don't matter how strong,fast and talented you are if you give up before the finish,when you find some difficulties you will not improve as you really could.
Not giving up attitude is our Gukwoone and GuruMuayThai students main strength.
One of the reasons why i picked up Martial arts training is that it improves strong mindset and confidence which can be used in everyday life,in any career.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

My lifestyle

Passionated about the martial arts and sports.
Constantly trying to educate myself more and more.
Studying different techniques of fighting and training,learning about anatomy,psychology and diet.
As an active GMMA fighter practising and adjusting all methods on myself.
Learning process as in any other professions has got its ups and downs i am going through victory's and failures.
Strongly believing that this is the way to success,this is the way to reaching the highest level.
All my experience make me understand more and being able to help others,that is my main aim.
I do wanna share what I've learnt with those who looking for some advice.
It is easy while u are surrounded by like minded people,our GMMA Academy students which are GuruMuayThai and Gukwoone practitioners all together.
However i meet some people  on my way,relatives,friends,or random people i do share part of my knowledge with.And some of them look at it as if i was punishing myself as if i was struggling.
Some of them do not understand that all the training,diet and education i am going through is what I really enjoy. It is what makes me who I am.
Makes me professional.
Keeps me focused,keeps me inspired,keeps me happy.
It is my choice,it is my joy,it is my life!
Krystian Ozog
GMMA instructor, trainer & fighter
-Guru MuayThai  Boxing classes
-Gukwoone Mixed Martial Arts classes
-GMMA Personal Trainer
Tel: 07928093841