Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Growing together.

At GMMA Academy we do believe in team work.
We do believe that we can only improve, once everything around us improving too.
When I see our students getting better, stronger, wiser in fighting and martial arts.
I am very excited, because I know that I am a part of that development.
At this same time I do realise that we are stepping up another level together.
For me; instructor and training partner it means that I need to put some extra work, to help them even more, get better and better.
Everyone is different. Everyone has got different abilities, strengths and weaknesses everyone needs to be treated individually. It is ok when you do lesson 1 to 1 and all you got to do is concentrate on one person.
When you work with group off people,different age and experience,this is where the real challange is.
We are proffesionals with passion,we treat our students the way we wanna be treated.
We care about everybody coming to us and asking for help.
We wanna get the best out off everyone. And the circle closes as our students growing with us and growing within eachothers help.
Helping others will definitely increase your skills, you will get mirror image of your mistakes and it will automatically stimulate your brain to resolve the problem. 
Teaching others is simply sharing with others what you got.
It makes you happy and bring more values to your life.


photo Krystian Ozog
Instructor/Trainer/Fighter, GMMA Academy

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Power of mind 2

While ago one of our GMMA student and fighter was competing in very important for him fight.
It was a title fight.
Personally I see him as a great potential.
His attitude to the training, consistency and dedication gives amazing results.
He is one hard working guy.
We have done a lot of extreme training together and I have seen him going over the limit many times. 
However during the first round of his title fight, in full contact kickboxing rules he wasn't using his legs as much as he normally does.
As much as he suppose to. There is a kick count, at least 8 kicks per round. This rule was made  to eliminate boxers winning American kickboxing (also called full contact kickboxing), by using only hand techniques.
I have instructed him from the corner that he should kick.
At the break time I have looked into his eyes and said that if he wants to win this fight, he has to kick more.
I think warning from referee backed me up and opened up his eyes more.
He came back in the second round threw few kicks and continued great boxing combinations which gave him victory by the stoppage in that round.
After all the excitement of winning settled down, we have sat down and discussed about what has happened.
Being asked: why hasn't he used his legs which are his very strong weapon?
He has answered:"My legs didn't feel like kicking at all".
He basically allowed nerves to take over and got a bit paralysed.
Control and understanding of your thoughts. Which comes with training and experience.Can change impossible in to possible as much as obvious in to doubt able.

photo Krystian Ozog
Instructor/Trainer/Fighter, GMMA Academy

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Power of mind

Everything in our life has been controlled  by our brains.
Don't matter what circumstances we are in,only we can block ourselves or push to the next level.
The more I train,fight and work with people,the more I understand about humans brain mechanism.
Our minds will naturally look for the shortcuts and play some games with us.
They can make us doubt very obvious facts,and make us concentrate on things don't really matter or not even exist.
Over my training and fighting experience I have learnt that, trained body can take a lot.
If there is anything stopping us is mainly our inner self.
That's why I put so much pressure on constant training and challenging myself,meditation and education.
When I feel strong and full of energy often I do find some new strategies and training techniques,putting more pressure and planning how to get to the next stage.
Then in a process of executing my plans,just like everyone else I begin to sabotage myself.
Tiredness,obstacles,excuses and laziness trying to take over.
But this is where real you comes out!
This is when training begins!
This is when we are improving!
Not only in physical training but in any other profession,the key to success is to create a good plan with flexible mindset.And continue achieving your goals, one by one, playing around the difficulties which comes your way.
For me that's the only way to have peaceful sleep at night.
I cannot go to bed anymore knowing that, today I haven't done enough.

photo Krystian Ozog
Instructor/Trainer/Fighter, GMMA Academy

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Right here, right now.

During our workouts, uphill sprints at the training camp, I have spotted one of our students falling behind and not pushing hard enough.
Asking him for the reason.
Answer I've received was that "I am saving some energy for later".
Then I have replied that "there is no later".
Is only here and now what counts.
How many times you had that feeling when you've been doing something and at the end you weren't really satisfied with your performance?! As you knew that you haven't given your best.
How many times did you have opportunity,chance to do something and you haven't used it? What made you feel empty.
I've done it many times. I've done it in the gym,at work,in every days life.
Right now I am watching carefully what life brings me and I'm trying to use every opportunity.I'm trying to work towards my goals without wasting any more time.
Trying to organise my schedule to fit as much as possible today.
And planning tomorrow without space for leftovers. (Of course still being flexible,but not allowing myself for "I do it later" attitude).
Leaving it for later is very risky as we never know what is going to happen in the future.
There is so many disruptions that can occur.
When you step to the ring and not giving 100% because you thinking about saving energy for later there is great possibility that there may not be "later", you may get stopped.
Or "later" might be to late.
This is another lesson I bring from the ring to my every days life.
Do it right here, right now!

photo Krystian Ozog
Instructor/Trainer/Fighter, GMMA Academy

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Training camp.

Last weekend we,GMMA Academy,have travelled to Wales for training camp.
Trained with local Thai boxing gym "Celtic Pride" on Saturday morning.They are very passionated,respectful and friendly crowd.When we got back to our place we have done some more workouts,pad work and drills.
After having some snacks and a bit of rest we all jumped in the minibus which took us to one of the hills close by,recommended by some local runners.
We have drove right to the top and decided to run down and back up again.
The Hill was pretty steep.
I've got to say that we were lucky with weather,if there was a bit of rain some parts of that route would be very hard to get even walking.
Running up at the good pace and trying not to slow down or stop was a great challenge.
When we got up we had a quick stretching and have done some short uphill races on the small slope.
Then we run down again where we got picked up from and driven back to our accommodation for well deserved dinner.
After all there was a party time.
We work hard,we play hard.
Drove about 45min to capital of Wales,Cardiff where we had bit of fun on the dance floor.
Obviously that was late night for all of us.
9am wake up,had some breakfast,waited half an hour for food to digest (not enough :-),then jogged to the local leisure centre where we used running tracks for variation of different length of sprints.
When we got back to our place we stretched and moved onto strength and conditioning training,fallowed by pad work and uphill sprints in between.
We have worked out till dinner,prepared by our coaches (Master chefs) was ready.
I haven't enjoyed every bite of my meal like this for very long time.
Food  was delicious on its own. But all that hard work over the past couple  of days made me enjoy much more simple things like;quick shower,sip of water,warm and soft bed.
It was very much needed for all of us for different reasons.
Not only because of extreme training.
But more for us to spent some time together,having fun,more time to talk and listen to each other.
For couple of days stay away from work,personal problems and rush of every days life.
For couple of days hanging around like minded people,sharing your passion,emotions.
Learning from each other and keeping each other motivated.

photo Krystian Ozog
Instructor/Trainer/Fighter, GMMA Academy